“Like the many people who have been helped by Barry, I feel fortunate to know him and recommend his services without reservations”.
Robert D. Haas, Chairman of the Board, Emeritus – Levi-Strauss & Co.

A Friend in Need


Thank you for stopping by and following up on Part 2 of my email.
Before getting down to the purpose of it all I wanted to place credit where credit is more than due…
This particular page is a “private page” of a website I was commissioned to build by Bay Area Community Resources (www.bacr.org) a local , highly regarded non-profit serving the S.F. Bay Area with programs including though not limited to:
  • After School
  • Youth Leadership
  • Healthy Communities etc…
I’ve always been honored and proud of my association with BACR and the significant amount  of work we’ve done together…When they suggested and invested in this undertaking I was flattered beyond words and will continue to do all I possibly can to add my own value to their already highly valued work! 

Obviously this iconic line from “The Godfather” (Part 1) is my attempt at being entertaining, theatrical and to some certain extent attention grabbing.

I really do have an offer that I hope you can’t and don’t refuse though if that winds up to be the case I hope you’d let me know why!

It really is specifically and solely for folks such as you with whom I’m connected on LinkedIn

I had this long letter written to explain Part Two of my Two-Fold email but realized just how silly writing was when the technology exists to just say it… talk into my phone and VIOLA, here it is!

A Friend in Need

Do you have one?

Is there someone in your life who could use some well-reasoned, time tested, critically acclaimed assistance with ANY ASPECT of their career…with no risk of losing as much as 5 cents?

You then might want to listen to what I had in mind for:

A Friend in Need

Early on in the audio you’ll hear me discuss my “secret life” and ultimately reference the book…

The Start-up Of You – Reid Hoffman (Executive Summary)

Many of the premises within it’s pages were catalytic to my constructing this “offer” at this time.

Moving forward in the audio events such as the following are referenced:

So, if you have…

A Friend in Need

Clicking on that link and listening to the audio should provide an overview of my best Vito Corleone (Offer you can’t refuse)

Hoping you and yours are well and that we talk soon regardless!




P.S. If you’re interested in the book itself here’s a link on Amazon: “The Start-up of You”